The Blog

Macho soccer cars

|Our Dutch soccer players like to drive over the top cars. Some of them drive in style (Aston Martin), others drive cars that would not

Jeans trail

|Click here for a photo documentary of a girl wearing off her jeans in two years. Photographer Takayuki Akachi Via Another Something

Plaster trail

|White walls make a peaceful place, but wallpaper or even better – painted plaster – takes care of an unequalled realm that lasts for –


|Audi just released a new issue of its quarterly magazine. The content addresses women and approaches the content of this blog, with many articles on

Kill your darlings

|I have buried my baby, the printed car culture magazine Macchina. I thought luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Maybe the crises did not help,

New design language

|’Stitch’ is a family of discarded found items, with a new handstitched skin, stuffed with soft fibres. Design Pepe Heykoop

Evolution of environment

|Beautiful, these unarranged but at the same time beautifully composed sandbags in Malibu. Photos Katie Shapiro

Rolling stars

|A nice father’s day present: the Futsal by Alexander Girard x Stitch at Colette.

One 🙂

|The Motor celebrates being one year online with 4.000 visits a month (thank you!), a new business card and new studio space with SSSS &


|Click here to hear new audio equipment that recreates ‘the warmest of frequencies’. Stick a cork in the back of the Vuvuzela if you want the sound

Green PC tablet

|This week’s column in NRC is about the amazing iPad XO-3, developed by One Laptop per Child (OLPC) for the developing world. It shall run on just

Tractor parade

|Every year in the first week of June, a classique tractor parade is organised in the town of Warder, The Netherlands. Photo Pam

Hilarious diary

|Click here for the brilliant blog of artist Unknown Hipster. These images are from his encounter with artist Marina Abramovic at MoMA: “I did my


|This week I sold my beloved Porsche 3.2 targa from 1984. Now I am looking for the world’s most ecologic car and I think it


|David Bailey, 72 always loved to make compositions of flowers: “Previously man had grown things to eat. It was a great moment when people would

Eyes closed

|Sitting front row at the intimiate Bach Cello Suites in Zaha Hadid’s pavilion in Amsterdam, I was surprised by the wonderful sound reflected in the

Car Museum

|July 3rd 2010 opens the new Louwman automotive museum in The Hague, Holland. They own this 1910 Swan Car from India. The swan’s amber eyes


|Wildlife photographer Brian Skerry has an intense journalistic drive for relevance after spending 10,000 hours underwater. Click here for his latest presentation at TED.

Dutch soccer

|Fantastic concept T-shirts in support of the Dutch Football Federation for the 2010 World Cup by two students of the Dutch Willem de Kooning Academy,

Luminous animals

|My latest column for NRC is about a students’ project at TU Delft University. The students discovered a kind of bioluminescent bacterium that could possibly

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