The first surrealist – JHeronimus Bosch

The first surrealist – JHeronimus Bosch

jheronimusbosch_themotor|Surrealism means dreamlike. Try to realize what it was like to live in the Dark Ages, and it makes this work even better. Click here for the beautiful high res transmedia triptych of The Garden of Earthly Delights. It’s all about the late Middle Ages, soaked in religion, emphasizing moral and sin, and most of all, fantasy. It is a little taste of what’s to come at the Dutch Bosch show with 4 tryptichs, 4 two-tichs, 20 paintings (all painted on wood), and 19 drawings. Art JHieronymus Bosch Exhibition Het Noordbrabrants Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, until May 8, 2016

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