Serious meat game

Serious meat game

seriousgame|Playing with food gets another meaning with this serious kit (and a serious price). Parents traditionally teach their children not to play with their food and this game should help children with a better understanding of where meat comes from. ‘Playing Food’ includes: a stable (200 x 100 x 40 cm), 3 silos, 3 spades, 3 pitchforks, 3 buckets 1 file (to file teeth), 1 knife (for castrating) , 1 collet chunk (to cut off tails), 3 wheelbarrows, 3 refuse-bins, 6 sows, 72 piglets, 100 pigs of 85 kg, 100 pigs of 110 kg, pig dung, 8 tropical trees, 3 chainssaws, 5 showers of acid rain, 70 corn-, 100 soy- en 170 grain plants. Price € 9,500 Design Tomm Velthuis